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Your Enrollment Pack sets the groundwork for your GIA business. Choose the starter kit for $49.95 or set yourself up for success by purchasing any of our preconfigured packages at a deep discount (Starter Kit included). These packages are only available during enrollment!
Become an instant Manager by making 3 consecutive monthly payments of $350 (plus tax and shipping)
Receive instant 30% Discount on all purchases
If you enroll before the 15th of the month, your 2nd 3rd payments are due the 10th of the following month. If you enroll after the 15th of the month, your 2nd and 3rd payments are due the 20th of the following months
What's included:
1st Payment:
2nd Payment:
3rd Payment:
Get started with i-H2O at only $349!
$349.00 as a down payment for the i-H2O Home System. As soon as that first payment is received i-H2O Activation System(s) will be shipped. Thereafter, their monthly “EZ-Payments” - to pay off the remainder of the purchase price - are only $59.95 + tax each, for 7 consecutive months.
Bronze Pack Installments
$79.95+tax/mo for 6 months + 6 months of ARO (Auto-Reorder) of 1 Consumable at $35+
Co-CEO Lynda Cormier-Hanser extends a warm invitation for you to explore her top picks among our wide range of wellness products:
Joy & Achievement Planner
i-H2O Home System
Classic Pendant
Cell Guard Sliver
30ct Edge
Radiant Reveal Hydra Exfoliator
HydraSurge Radiance Fluid
HydraSurge Radiance Serum
Co-CEO Lynda Cormier-Hanser extends a warm invitation for you to explore her top picks among our wide range of wellness products:
Joy & Achievement Planner
Classic Pendant
Cell Guard Sliver
30ct Edge
Radiant Reveal Hydra Exfoliator
HydraSurge Radiance Fluid
HydraSurge Radiance Serum